For any additional questions please call 800.755.8455
1. I need a climber card for work, what are my options?
Gravitec offers two courses, an Authorized Climber and Competent Climber course. The authorized climber course is an introductory program that addresses the basics of accessing tower structures and limited rescue exercises. The Competent Climber class is more in-depth, includes problem solving exercises, descent control, greater variety of equipment and several rescue methods.
2. What is the difference between an Authorized Climber and Competent Climber?
These terms are used by NATE (National Association of Tower Erectors) and are generally accepted throughout the industry. The intent is all workers on a tower crew know how to use the fall protection equipment and help if a rescue is needed (authorized climber) and one or two of the crew are more experienced with the equipment, descent control and rescue methods (competent climber). The intent is that new hires and climbers work with more experienced staff until comfort and experience is gained. When comparing the training differences according to the NATE Training Requirements, competent climbers undergo more descent control training, have 90 days experience and are identified by the employer as the competent climbers on site.
3. What’s the difference between a “Competent Person” and a “Competent Climber”?
Although they both use the same “competent” word, they are different. Competent Climber is a specific term used in the telecommunication industry to describe an experienced climber who has gone through the training and is usually identified by the employer as having a leadership role with the work crew or site (some companies train all climbers to a competent level). Competent Person is a more global term, describing a person within an organization who has the authority and ability to implement the employers fall protection program. A competent person usually has a “safety” position or role within an organization and has a broader scope of work than that of a climber (often including policy development, purchasing, risk assessment, periodic inspections and compliance).
4. After taking the Gravitec Train the Trainer course, can I train and certify my staff as Competent Climbers?
Yes. After taking the Train the Trainer course, you, as the organizations trainer, can train staff as Authorized or Competent Climbers as needed. Since Gravitec isn’t conducting the course, we do not certify the student, the employer does using Gravitec course materials.
5. What’s the difference between a Competent Climber course delivered by our Train the Trainer versus the Gravitec Competent Climber Course. They both result in a Competent Climber card?
The main differences are depth of content, variety of equipment included, number of rescue methods taught and who is certifying the competent climber finished the training. Employer Train the Trainer courses are tailored to the employer and scaled down specific only to the equipment and rescue methods being used. These courses are usually shorter in length because they are trimmed down to specifics. The Gravitec Competent Climber course includes a variety of equipment from a number of different manufacturers (multiple harnesses, ladder safety systems, rope grabs, helmets, descent control device rescues, assisted and suspended rescues using different systems, etc.) and provides enough time for students to work with the equipment and rescue methods. For Train the Trainer courses, the employer certifies the student completed the course (which some organizations disapprove of), whereas Gravitec certifies the student completed the course for the Gravitec Competent Climber course. So… same name, different course.
6. Should I take the Train the Trainer or the Gravitec course?
Depends…. read the differences in the previous question. Gravitec would support either choice. Some of our customers prefer the Gravitec course because it is longer, more in-depth, more rescue methods, more variety of equipment and broader scope of equipment use. Some customers prefer the Train the Trainer course because their own staff delivers the training and there is no extraneous content that their climbers may not need. Some customers do both…….
Effective immediately, Gravitec Systems is changing the manner in which student certification cards are issued. Due to incidents of cards being issued without conducting any training, certification cards will no longer be supplied with student books. Certification cards will be sent out after the Activity Checklist is completed and sent to Gravitec Systems with a signed verification of training.
In efforts to prevent abuse of the Train the Trainer program, a new Activity Checklist has been developed that requires sign-offs by the instructor and students. Follow the procedure below to order/issue student certification cards:
- Order books as you normally would by calling 800.755.8455 or e-mailing [email protected].
- Complete the training according to the Lesson Plans and complete the appropriate Activity Checklist. (See buttons below for Tower and General checklists)
- Have each student sign on the activity checklist, agreeing they attended the course and indicated exercises.
- Sign the activity checklist as the instructor, attesting to the completion of the course, exercises, and students.
- Send the activity checklist to [email protected] or fax to 206.780.2893.
- Course documentation will be verified and certification cards will be mailed to the instructor for distribution. (Digital cards are also available)
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