The Z-Rig

You’ll find Z-rig setups in every industry. It’s a handy combo of a rope grab, carabiner, and pulley – a compact system that affords the user the ability to quickly redirect lines and lift a great amount of weight. With its versatile application, a Z-rig setup is a smart addition to your gear stash.
Selecting the right pieces means finding items that are not only stars in their own right, but compatible as a complete system. Our trainers carry a system that has thoughtfully taken into account weight, compatibility, size, and especially functionality. We’ve selected three components that not only offer advantages on their own, but are also well-suited to be used together.
The rope grab is the Large Petzl Croll. A favorite in the industry, this tried and true grab offers the user the ability to load and remove the device anywhere on the rope. The Croll is easy to use. Using the older style of Croll increases the versatility of the system to be used on ropes up to 13 mm (1/2 inch). This spread offers a wide range of applications to be accessible and does not limit the user from switching between ropes of different sizes.
The pulley (Rock Exotica Omni Block 1.1) was selected based on its ability to be opened and have rope loaded into it without removing the pulley from the carabiner. Traditional pulleys present a potential drop hazard as they have to be removed from their connector in order to load onto the system. This isn’t an issue with the Omni Block. Additionally, the attached swivel top allows the user to take twists out of the rope effortlessly. These features, coupled with the smooth action of the device, makes this pulley ideal for many applications.
The aluminum carabiner by Rock Exotica was selected because it is lightweight and boasts a gate size that allows free rotation of both the Croll and Omni Block around the entire carabiner. The smooth opening action, the round shape, and the lightweight nature makes this connector a great compliment to the other two components.
Separately, these three pieces are solid additions to any gear stash. Together, they create a thoughtful, compatible, and functionally solid unit. What kind of Z-Rig do you have in your kit?
Mention this blog and receive 10% off with the purchase of all 3 items. Call 800.755.8455 to get this deal.
Offer valid through January 2016. Phone orders only.