Carabiner Showdown
Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes…
Change can be hard, even David Bowie knew that.
But with time, comes advances in technology and improvements in fall protection. Some of you may remember what harnesses used to be like—body belts that often led to internal organ injuries after a fall. We’ve come a long way since then. So while change is hard, it is necessary.
The carabiners you’re currently using, you know, the double action and possibly even the screw lock…they’re a bit like the safety body belt of the carabiner world. They get the job done, but they could be safer.
We made this video because we know you have reservations about changing to a new carabiner that is said to be more time consuming & difficult to use. The above video demonstrates the triple action carabiner in use, and with a little practice, you too can be a triple action carabiner ninja.