Selecting a Fall Protection Training Class
Even if you’re not new to fall protection and working at height, it’s easy to be left with questions when researching which fall protection training class is right for you. Here’s a quick breakdown: Authorized Person Fall Protection Training is for the end user, the professionals who are exposed to the fall hazards every day. The class walks them through the equipment, connections, and hazards associated with working at height, training them to work safely and efficiently. Competent Person Fall Protection Training is typically for the supervisor or foreman on site, the individual able to take corrective action when they see that a hazard is not appropriately mitigated. Having a Competent Person on staff increases safety procedures, workflow efficiencies, and mitigates risk. Qualified Person Fall Protection Training is developed for the engineer or subject matter expert who should be able to design and certify horizontal lifelines within their respective work environment and discipline, which lowers any outside costs while exponentially decreasing risk.
Fall Protection Program Administrator Training courses are developed for the professional who is responsible for establishing an industry standard Comprehensive Managed Fall Protection Program as outlined in ANSI/ASSE Z359.2. This course is designed for safety professionals who are responsible for fall protection programs but may not work at height themselves or otherwise be specialists in the fall protection arena.
Equipment inspection, writing work procedures, the development of corporate policies and the identification and ranking of corporate-wide fall hazards are just some of the topics covered. Refresher Courses keep your fall safety skills up to date, reemphasize safety planning and prevention and introduce new fall protection equipment, techniques, ANSI standards and legislation that have surfaced since your last class. Refresher courses are also designed to keep your training costs down. Letting your certificate lapse for more than two years may require the student to go back and take the original class, so staying current could save you money.
With those categories in mind, zero in on your particular industry (Wind, Tower, Entertainment, Construction, etc.), and compare that against your organization’s safety plan, CSR and schedule of upcoming projects. Look for an indoor training facility and accredited fall protection training programs that meet the ANSI 359.2 standard (as well as Z490.1) and OHSA. Ideally, the courses should be accredited by the International Association of Continuing Education and Training (IACET), allowing you to gain Continuing Education Units (CEUs). The courses should be designed to keep your team educated and current; putting your organization in a defendable position should an accident occur. If need be, ask to customize a class specific to your work environment. Still have a question? Call us at 800.755.8455.