It’s Not Luck, It’s Skill

By Wilo Castillo, Training Advisor

Due to increased regulations and release of voluntary consensus standards more and more employers are addressing fall protection and rescue training. Employers have many options and methods to deliver training and our Train the Trainer program is one of those options. Fall protection training (like all safety topics) involves knowledge and skill. It’s the skills portion of fall protection and rescue training that poses the greatest challenge for employers. Computer-based training, videos, blogs and other online training options work great for the knowledge portion. However, at some point, each individual student must physically interact with a harness, lanyard, SRD, connectors, anchorages and a host of other products for training to be demonstrated as sufficient. This takes time, equipment and training structure, which can add up in regards to time and money.

For over 30 years, Gravitec Systems Inc. has had one of the most comprehensive educational Train the Trainer programs in the industry. Employers appreciate this training platform because it allows them to customize their training program according to the needs of their user groups. The program is turn-key; all documentation, presentations, instructor training, student books and attendance cards are included in the program. So, with that being said, employers must be selective of their “Train the Trainer” student and ensure that the person they are investing in has the physical, mental and communication abilities to deliver their program.
In our continued efforts to improve upon our fall protection training curricula we have updated the Train the Trainer course with new instructor manuals, presentations, and videos. We have increased the flexibility for employers to customize or create their own training curriculum with the materials provided and have expanded the requirements that students need in order to complete the course. In order to provide this flexibility, we have increased the trainer’s slide deck from 50 slides to over 200 slides, this will allow a wider variety of educational platforms for the instructor to teach from.
Our experience in educating students for over 30 years has prepared us to work with students that have a variety of backgrounds and skillsets. This experience has better prepared us to educate your employees and their co-workers. We instill the skillset in your trainers to be able to handle and instruct the proper procedures, because in our business; It’s not luck, it’s skill.

If you have any questions, contact Gravitec Systems at 1.800.755.8455


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