It’s Not Luck, It’s Skill
By Wilo Castillo, Training Advisor
Due to increased regulations and release of voluntary consensus standards more and more employers are addressing fall protection and rescue training. Employers have many options and methods to deliver training and our Train the Trainer program is one of those options. Fall protection training (like all safety topics) involves knowledge and skill. It’s the skills portion of fall protection and rescue training that poses the greatest challenge for employers. Computer-based training, videos, blogs and other online training options work great for the knowledge portion. However, at some point, each individual student must physically interact with a harness, lanyard, SRD, connectors, anchorages and a host of other products for training to be demonstrated as sufficient. This takes time, equipment and training structure, which can add up in regards to time and money.
If you have any questions, contact Gravitec Systems at 1.800.755.8455