The Dangers of Buying Used Fall Protection Gear Online
By Caitlin Bearman, Equipment Advisor
The number one reason people look to buy used gear online is to save money on products that come with a hefty price tag. To some, saving a couple hundred dollars on something that the seller claims is in great condition can be very tempting. However, there are many reasons why saving a bit of money on used fall protection equipment is a bad idea.
First, it is important to remember that this is safety gear. At its core, it is equipment that will be used in a life-saving scenario. Just like you wouldn’t want an airline going cheap on oxygen mask components, or the car manufacturer cutting costs with seat belts, the place to save your money is not by purchasing used equipment.

Additionally, a key component to any complete Fall Protection Program is a detailed inspection of the equipment usage and condition. Buying a product used, however, leaves a noticeable void in that information. If you are buying used gear, you cannot be certain of the care it was given nor can you be sure it was not involved in a fall. An equipment’s history is essential when determining whether or not it is capable of protecting you from injury.
While some damage can be noticeable (fraying rope or an exposed impact indicator for example), it is possible that damage caused by a fall could not be easily recognizable. You also run the risk of putting the gear into service that may have faced prolonged environmental exposure, improper storage, or incorrect use. All of the above would leave you with safety gear with potentially life-threatening faults.

There is a myriad of manufacturers producing quality gear at a variety of price points, making it possible to find new equipment within your budget. If you are having trouble finding a solution that fits your budget or needs, it may be time to seek out some inside help. Our equipment advisors are here to advise and mentor in any capacity you need.
At Gravitec, we strive to promote the best practices in the industry and protect workers at height. While finding a great deal on a used treadmill, post-New-Year’s-Resolution-hype, may be ideal. One should not use the same logic when buying safety gear. The risk is not worth the savings.
Call one of our equipment advisors at 800.755.8455 to learn more!