Archived Announcements
Randall Wingfield Honored for Contributions to Fall Protection Industry
At its recent symposium, the International Society of Fall Protection (ISFP) presented the Andrew Sulowski Award for Outstanding Contributions in the Field of Fall Protection to Randall Wingfield of Gravitec Systems, Inc. (Bainbridge Island, Washington). The award was presented on October 19, during the 2011 ISFP Symposium, which was held in conjunction with the A+A Trade Fair and Congress in Dusseldorf, Germany.
The ISFP board of directors selected Mr. Wingfield as this year’s award recipient for the contributions he made to the organization and the fall protection industry during his nine-year tenure as ISFP president, which ended in July 2010. His leadership of ISFP and his contributions to the ANSI Z359 and CSA Z259 fall protection standards committees have improved the industry as a whole. His work at Gravitec—providing equipment testing, training and fall protection solutions—has undoubtedly made a positive impact on work at heights and most importantly, has saved the lives of many workers.
“I personally know how much Randy has committed to the industry,” said current ISFP president Thom Kramer. “I am thrilled that the ISFP board recognized Randy’s contributions with this award.”
The award is named in honor of Andrew Sulowski, who has been instrumental in advancing fall protection safety. He holds four patents on fall protection equipment and has written two books and innumerable articles relating to the field. In addition to being a founding member of the ISFP, Mr. Sulowski has been an active member of the ASSE, CSA, and CSSE.
Metal Construction News Article Mentions Gravitec Systems
Gravitec Systems recommends employers take a risk-management approach to fall protection and address fall hazards accordingly.
In a recent Metal Construction News article, “10 Things You Need to Know about Fall Protection,” Gravitec Training Manager Kevin Denis joins other industry professionals and discusses the merits of fall hazard assessment during initial program development. Key components of a successful fall protection program are also discussed.
Click here to read the full article as it appears on the Metal Construction News Web site.
Gravitec Renews Status as Authorized Provider of IACET CEUs
BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, Wash., September 7, 2011 – The International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) has awarded Gravitec Systems, Inc., a leading provider of fall protection and rescue training, the prestigious Authorized Provider status for a renewed period. IACET Authorized Providers are the only organizations approved to offer IACET continuing education units (CEUs). The recognition period extends for five years, and includes all programs offered or created during that time.
Gravitec was first awarded Authorized Provider status in 2001 and has since undergone a rigorous audit to successfully demonstrate its adherence to the ANSI/IACET 1-2007 Standard addressing the design, development, administration and evaluation of its programs.
“We’re extremely proud of our training programs, which provide safety practitioners and industry professionals with the required knowledge and skill sets to effectively address fall hazards in the workplace,” said Gravitec Training Manager Kevin Denis. “AP status not only enables Gravitec to satisfy industry requirements for continuing education but allows us to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to quality education.”
The goal of IACET’s AP program is to provide an opportunity for organizations conducting continuing education and training to benchmark their current operations to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approved IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard. Gravitec joins nearly 650 organizations around the globe that have had their programs vetted by third-party experts in continuing education to ensure the highest possible standards are met.
About Gravitec: Since its formation over 25 years ago, Gravitec Systems, Inc., has been committed to protecting workers at height in industrial settings. Gravitec provides a full range of high-quality fall protection and rescue services, including training, engineering, consulting, equipment sales and testing. For more information about Gravitec, call 1.800.755.8455 or visit us online at www.gravitec.com.
About IACET: The International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) is a non-profit association dedicated to quality continuing education and training programs. IACET is the only standard-setting organization approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for continuing education and training. The ANSI/IACET 1-2007 Standard is the core of thousands of educational programs worldwide. For more information, please visit www.iacet.org or call 703-506-3275.
Gravitec to Appear Tonight on HISTORY’s “Modern Marvels: Ropes and Chains”
BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, Wash. – January 28, 2011 – Gravitec Systems, Inc., announced today that it will appear on HISTORY’s “Modern Marvels: Ropes and Chains,” slated to air tonight at 9:00 PM Pacific Time.
“It was an honor to be chosen by Modern Marvels for the rope segment,” stated Gravitec Training Manager Kevin Denis. “We hope all of our clients take the opportunity to view the show.”
Ropes are used in many workplaces for rappelling, rigging, or hauling equipment. Tonight’s episode of “Modern Marvels” will examine the many applications of today’s ropes and chains. Tune in to HISTORY to see how Gravitec instructors safely ascend great heights using various rope access techniques.
Since 1986, Gravitec has been committed to protecting workers at height. Gravitec provides a full range of fall protection and rescue services including training, engineering, consulting, equipment sales and testing. For more information about Gravitec’s services, call 1.800.755.8455 or visit the website at www.gravitec.com.
Gravitec Systems, Inc., Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 International Standard
Bainbridge Island, Wash. – July 2, 2010 – Gravitec System’s Bainbridge Island testing laboratory has been accredited to the ISO/IEC 17025 international standard for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. Gravitec has spent over a year reviewing and documenting management and laboratory practices in an effort to attain this accreditation which was effective June 30, 2010.
The ISO 17025 standard requires a quality management system and demonstration of the competence of staff, equipment and procedures. Gravitec underwent a rigorous audit process and was required to meet a number of management and technical requirements to become accredited to the standard by ACLASS, an internationally recognized accreditation body.
This accreditation is a significant milestone for Gravitec because it will allow them to serve as a third-party testing provider, required by the ANSI/ASSE Z359.7 national voluntary consensus standard. ANSI/ASSE Z359.7 (Qualification & Verification Testing of Fall Protection Products) mandates that all fall protection and rescue equipment bearing the ANSI Z359 stamp be tested and certified to its respective ANSI standard by an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory.
“Ultimately, we do not view this accreditation as a culmination of our efforts, but as another step in our commitment to continual improvement,” said Gravitec President Randall Wingfield, adding, “The exacting approach to quality that is required to become accredited places the responsibility for the success of the laboratory on all staff, not just a select few. We are pleased and proud that everyone’s efforts have been recognized.”
Since 1986, Gravitec has been committed to fall protection and rescue in industrial settings. Gravitec provides a full range of fall protection and rescue services including training, engineering, consulting, equipment sales and testing. For more information about Gravitec’s services, call 1.800.755.8455.
Randall Wingfield of Bainbridge Island, WA, Receives New American Society of Safety Engineers Award for Excellence in Standards Development
Las Vegas, NV – June 30, 2008 – The American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) today announced Randall Wingfield of Bainbridge Island, WA as the first recipient of a new annual ASSE award, the Thomas F. Bresnahan Safety, Health and Environment (SH&E) Standards Medal. He received the award today during the Council on Practices and Standards (CoPS) Awards Luncheon held at the ASSE Annual Professional Development Conference (PDC) “Safety 2008” in Las Vegas, NV.
The award is named in honor of Thomas Bresnahan, who is a highly regarded and respected retired ASSE staff member and ASSE Society Fellow. According to CoPS, Bresnahan is recognized as the key individual that reinvigorated the ASSE standards development program and helped position ASSE for future growth.
“We are very excited for the opportunity to honor Randall with the Bresnahan award,” said ASSE Vice President, Council on Practices and Standards (CoPS) James D. Smith, CSP. “He is a committed standards’ development volunteer. As chairman of the Z359 Fall Protection Code Committee, Randy Wingfield has played a critical role in development of fall protection standards in the United States.”
Smith added, “Randy’s time commitment and dedication has allowed the Z359 Committee to move its standard development efforts forward.”
In addition to serving as chair of the ANSI/ASSE Z359 Fall Protection Accredited Standards Committee (ASC), Wingfield is currently president and owner of Gravitec Systems, Inc. Wingfield has donated hundreds of company-staff-hours to provide technical and creative support for the Z359 Fall Protection Code. His firm also created the figures and artwork used in both the Code and future versions of different Z359 Standards.
“After working with Randy on ANSI projects, I know that he is proud to have taken on the projects when the committee couldn’t get funding from other sources,” said Gravitec Systems, Inc., Training Manager Kevin Denis. “For example, he worked on the 1.4 Conversion Factor Testing as well as testing on snap hook gates. He tries to move the standards along in a proficient and professional manner. When the standards hit a roadblock, he’ll step up and make things happen. It’s projects like this that we are most proud of.”
Founded in 1911, the Des Plaines, IL-based ASSE is the largest and oldest professional safety organization and is committed to protecting people, property and the environment. Its more than 32,000 occupational safety, health and environmental professional members manage, supervise, research and consult on safety, health, transportation and environmental issues in all industries, government, labor and education. For more information please go to http://www.asse.org./
American Society of Safety Engineers Present Volunteer Award to Safety Professionals from AK, CO, PA, TN and WA
Des Plaines, IL – June 30, 2008 – The American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) recently presented the Charles V. Culbertson Outstanding Volunteer Service award to ASSE members: Christine M. Sullivan, CSP, ARM of Littleton, CO; Joel M. Haight, Ph.D, P.E., of University Park, PA; Randall M. Wingfield of Bainbridge Island, WA; Patricia M. Ennis, CSP, ARM of Wheat Ridge, CO; Douglas R. Cook of Hixson, TN; Lynne J. Seville, CSP of Anchorage, AK; and Joseph P. Feldstein of Englewood, CO, for their ongoing volunteer work and commitment to protecting people, property and the environment.
The Culbertson award is named after ASSE’s late vice president of communications. This award recognizes select members of the executive board, national committee members and practice specialty officers who have helped advance the occupational, safety, health and environmental profession through exemplary volunteer service to the Society during the past year. The awards were presented during ASSE’s annual conference June 9-12 in Las Vegas, NV.
Sullivan was recognized for her work on the ASSE Professional Development Conference (PDC) Planning Committee. As chair of the committee, she led efforts that have continuously improved the PDC program and enhanced the conference experience for attendees and exhibitors. Sullivan also provided insights to the ASSE 100th Anniversary Planning Committee.
The second Culbertson award recipient, Haight, is the editor-in-chief and author of portions of ASSE’s newest publication, The Safety Professionals Handbook. He led the effort to create the two-volume publication that brings together the best of the profession in one resource. His strong leadership ensured that the many contributors involved with the project met the highest possible standards of expertise and scholarship.
Wingfield received the Culbertson for providing continued guidance and leadership as chair of the Z359 Committee for Fall Protection and Fall Arrest. The committee produced the ANSI/ASSE Z359 Fall Protection Code, the first code at ASSE. He dedicated more than 200 hours and provided creative arts expertise to support the development of the code. Wingfield has also served as a speaker for webinars, written articles and conducted other activities to raise awareness of the code and the importance of fall protection.
Ennis received the award for an outstanding job serving as regional vice president for the ASSE Council on Member and Region Affairs (CoMRA). She provided a high level of service on the ASSE Finance Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, CoMRA, Board of Directors, and the Regional Operating Committee and as chair of the Future Safety Leaders’ Conference Committee.
Cook was recognized with the Culbertson award for his work as chair of the task force that developed ASSE’s fleet safety symposium. He and his group created a dynamic program that focused on improving fleet safety, management techniques and technology options for fleet managers. The successful symposium was held at UPS headquarters in Atlanta, GA.
For her outstanding leadership of the ASSE Leadership Conference Committee, Seville also received the service award. Seville has served on the committee for three years and has been chair for the last two. Her insights, ideas and passion for serving ASSE’s volunteer leaders have resulted in successful leadership conferences.
The final Culbertson award recipient, Feldstein, is an active member of the Z359 Committee and has played a critical role in improving fall protection in the United States. He dedicated significant time and effort to the development of the ANSI/ASSE Fall Protection Code. Feldstein also volunteered many hours addressing technical issues and answering questions about the standards from safety, health and environmental professionals worldwide.
Founded in 1911, the Des Plaines, IL-based ASSE is the largest and oldest professional safety organization and is committed to protecting people, property and the environment. Its more than 32,000 occupational safety, health and environmental professional members manage, supervise, research and consult on safety, health, transportation and environmental issues in all industries, government, labor and education. For more information check ASSE’s website at http://www.asse.org./
American National Standards Institute Z359 Fall Protection Code Becomes Effective
Bainbridge Island, Wash. – November 23, 2007 – The much-anticipated American National Standard Institute’s (ANSI) Z359 Fall Protection Code became effective today. The original effective was date was Oct.15, 2007, before the ANSI/American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Z359 Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) announced an extension to allow safety, health, and environmental professionals (SH&E) additional time to adjust to the new Code.
The Z359 Code is a family of five voluntary national consensus standards which provide guidance for fall protection equipment manufacturers, workers at height, and their employers. Z359.1 has been the benchmark standard for fall arrest equipment since its adoption in 1992. In 15 years, only minor editorial changes were made to the standard in 1999. The Z359 Code now includes significant revisions to Z359.1-1999 and four new standards have been added to address managed fall protection programs, work positioning and work restraint systems and rescue systems. The new standards are:
Z359.0 – Definitions and Nomenclature Used for Fall Protection and Fall Arrest
Z359.1 – Safety Requirements for Personal Fall Arrest Systems, Subsystems, and Components
Z359.2 – Minimum Requirements for a Comprehensive Managed Fall Protection Program
Z359.3 – Safety Requirements for Positioning and Travel Restraint Systems
Z359.4 – Safety Requirements for Assisted-Rescue and Self-Rescue Systems, Subsystems, and Components
“The Z359 Fall Protection Code is one of the most important safety-related voluntary national consensus standards in the last 20 years,” said Randall Wingfield, Z359 ASC chair and president of Gravitec Systems, Inc. “In particular, the Z359.2 managed approach to fall protection standard will have significant impact on SH&E professionals. The Z359 ASC is eager to work with the safety profession to implement the new standards to better protect and train the worker at height.”
The Z359 Code is a living document and will continue to grow as twelve new standards are drafted and adopted in the next few years.
Since 1986, Gravitec has remained committed to consistently setting the standard for excellence and professionalism in the fall protection industry. The core elements of Gravitec’s services include training, engineering, consulting and technical equipment sales. No matter what fall protection challenges an organization faces, our clients can be confident that Gravitec possesses the right combination of industry experience, technical expertise, and resources to assist in the implementation of a managed fall protection program that best suits the individual needs of our clients. For more information, contact Gravitec at 1.800.755.8455.